An Introduction

Welcome to BVE Cornwall.
Since this site was founded in 2001, it's premier project has been the Plymouth Route, which currently runs the 25km from Plymouth- Liskeard. To go with this, there is also a GWR Class 81xx Large Prarie tank locomotive, as well as two older trains.
Additional content available here includes some routes for the much older simulator Mechanik, freeware objects and the TrackGen rail & switch generator.

GWR 81xx Class Large Prarie
The GWR 81xx Class Large Prarie tank locomotive is a fully drivable OpenBVE model, complete with cab & exterior.
The Plymouth Route
The Plymouth Route is BVE Cornwall's premier route project, running for 32km from Plymouth to Liskeard.
Also hosted here are a range of routes for the much older DOS based simulator Mechanik.
The Somerset & Dorset
BVE Cornwall is now hosting the Somerset & Dorset route by Richard Scott, newly repaired for OpenBVE.
Barrow- Carlisle
BVE Cornwall is now hosting an OpenBVE repaired version of Derek Kaye's Barrow- Carlisle route.

Current News

Now Standing At Platform 1….

A few more heritage trains uploaded over the week, as follows:

  • BR Class 27:
  • BR Class 31 (Updated with several additonal versions):
  • BR Class 33:
  • BR Class 73:
  • USP5000C Ballast Regulator:
  • BR Class 310:
  • As previously, all are courtesy of Martin Corbett & were previously hosted on BVETMD.

    Further Heritage Releases

    I’m pleased to have finally got around to uploading a couple more heritage releases that have been on my TODO list for quite some time!

  • The BR Class 31-
  • The Class 104 DMU in a variety of livery variations-
  • The Class 108 DMU in a variety of livery variations-
  • These were originally hosted on BVETMD, and are courtesy of Martin Corbett- Thanks!

    Heritage Releases

    I’m pleased to announce the re-upload of three new heritage routes, but with a twist!

    This time, they’re German, courtesy of Martin Finken. The three routes are as follows:

  • Line 10/ Linie 11: A suburban tram route.
  • The Bergbahn: A narrow gauge mountain line inspired by the Swiss Gornegratbahn.
  • The Mühlkreisbahn: A German / Austrian countryside route.
  • I’m aiming to have a few more routes in a similar vein uploaded over the next month or so.

    The Plymouth Route V1.7.0.0

    As usual, rather later than planned, I’ve released V1.7.0.0 of the Plymouth Route.
    Changes are as follows:

  • Trackwork rebuilt between Menheniot and Liskeard.
  • GWR 16xx Class Pannier Tank added to the passing train objects.
  • BR Class 50 added to the passing train objects.
  • Minor improvements to the three tunnels on the route [Entrance object, wall profile]
  • Large numbers of assorted objects rebuilt from scratch, with the majority of items in the route now being public domain.
  • A considerable amount of work has been done on Plymouth station, in order […]
    » Continue Reading.
  • BR Class 52: Western

    The BR Class 52: Western is the third high-quality 3D train I’ve built.

    This time, it’s one of the diesels, which replaced steam in the mid to late 1960s.

    This loco requires a build of openBVE dated 03.06.2016 or later from

    Features include:

  • Realistic twin-engine traction modelling
  • Working turbocharger
  • A complete (Well, at least relatively…..) prototypical startup sequence
  • Working cab fault lights

    More details and download are on this page.

  • Building a Better openBVE

    As readers of the various forums will probably know by now, over the last 9 months or so, I’ve been doing a lot of work to improve the main openBVE source.

    In a lot of places, this hadn’t been touched for the better part of 7 years (Since Michelle left….), and there are multiple things that we simply couldn’t do.

    I’m now the maintainer of the following site:

    All future releases from BVE Cornwall will be designed to take advantage of the new features provided by these […]
    » Continue Reading.

    The Clarendon Route

    I’m pleased to announce the re-release of a third heritage BVE route 🙂

    This time, it’s ‘Clarendon’ by Dennis Lance.

    Like the other two heritage routes hosted here, I’ve done a small amount of work- The signalling has been swapped for BRSigs_Open, and the transparency errors have been repaired, but otherwise the route is essentially untouched from that released ten years ago!

    The Plymouth Route V1.6.0.0

    Due to fiddling with the main OpenBVE source, and a lot of other bits and bobs, unfortunately this release is several months late 😛
    Changes are as follows:

  • Various bugfixes around Laira Junction/ Depot. (Height of flyover, incorrect objects and stuff)
  • Trackwork rebuilt between St. Germans and Menheniot. This has added approximately another 4km to the route length, giving a total length to Liskeard of 32km.
  • Variety of passing trains improved, and a Class 35 ‘Hymek’ added to these objects.
  • Variety of road traffic increased.
  • All objects from a […]
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