OpenBVE Semaphore Signals

OpenBVE Semaphore Signals

This package contains a basic set of 3D animated semaphore signals, in both upper and lower quadrant varieties.

Available Standard Variants:

Home Arm

Home Arm

Distant Arm

Distant Arm

Home Arm- Shunt Ahead & Siding Access

Home Arm- Shunt Ahead & Siding Access

Home Arm- Goods Only Lines

Home Arm- Goods Only Lines

Home Arm- Backing Movements

Home Arm- Backing Movements

Using The Signals:

First, these signals must be declared in the WithStructure section of your route file, as follows:

.Signal(100).Load OpenBVESemaphores\LowerQuadrant\HomeArm.animated

.Signal(101).Load OpenBVESemaphores\LowerQuadrant\DistantArm.animated

.Signal(102).Load OpenBVESemaphores\LowerQuadrant\HomeArm_Shunt.animated

.Signal(103).Load OpenBVESemaphores\LowerQuadrant\HomeArm_Goods.animated

.Signal(104).Load OpenBVESemaphores\LowerQuadrant\HomeArm_Backing.animated

Placing a standard home (Stop) signal:

For a solitary home signal, marking the entry to a section, at 6000m in your route, add the following code to the With Track section:

6000, .SigF 100;1;x;y, .Section 0;4

  1. x and y represent the coordinates of the signal arm pivot.  x is normally -2.3, but the value of y depends upon the post used.
  2. The index of the signal arm is 100 here.
  3. The .Section command is used to inform OpenBVE of which signal aspects to use. These signals use the same aspects as BRSigs_Open, in this case:
  4. 0- Danger
  5. 4- Clear

Placing the standard distant signal:

In British semaphore signalling, the distant signal only serves to inform the driver of the aspect of the next signal ahead. This means that it does not require its own .Section command, and should be placed as follows, a suitable distance before the home signal it protects:

5000, .SigF 101;1;x;y

x and y represent the coordinates of the signal arm pivot.  x is normally -2.3, but the value of y depends upon the post used.

Placing a combined home and distant signal:

Where a home and distant signal are present on the same post, this requires a small change in the .Section command to accomodate our distant signal, and looks like this:

6000, .SigF 100;1;HomeX;HomeY, .SigF 101;1;DistantX;DistantY, .Section 0;2;4

You will note that the .Section command has changed, so that the aspects of this signal now look like this:

  1. 0- Distant at danger, home at danger.
  2. 2- Distant at danger, home at clear.
  3. 4- Distant at clear, home at clear.

Placing a miniature home arm:

Miniature home arms are used to protect sections where you can shunt ahead, and for access to sidings and goods loops. These are essentially identical to a standard home arm, and should be placed as follows:

6000, .SigF 102;1;x;y, .Section 0;4

Placing a goods line only home arm:

Home arms for goods only lines are identified by the white circle on the signal arm. Again, these are essentially identical to a standard home arm, and should be placed as follows:

6000, .SigF 103;1;x;y, .Section 0;4

Placing a backing home arm:

The final type of special home arms allow for backing movements along a line. These are identified by the two round holes at the far end of the arm. They should be placed as follows:

6000, .SigF 104;1;x;y, .Section 0;4

Using AWS With Semaphores:

AWS magnets should be fitted approximately 200m before a distant signal arm.

Home signal arms should not be fitted with an AWS magnet, unless the signal represents the end of an ‘AWS gap’ (A section of line to which AWS is not fitted)

An appropriate AWS magnet object should first be declared in the WithStructure section of your route file (This package does not provide one):

.Beacon(0) BRSigs\AWSMagnet_1.x

The AWS magnet should then be placed approximately 200m before a distant signal as follows:

4800, .Beacon 44000;1;1;0