Have just pushed 1.6.3 of TrackGen, which is a small update to fix generation on locales not using the period as the decimal separator.
No further changes 🙂
Have just pushed 1.6.3 of TrackGen, which is a small update to fix generation on locales not using the period as the decimal separator.
No further changes 🙂
Whilst I am saddened and disappointed to be writing this public statement, I feel that it is important for another side of the story to be heard.
Please remember that this is my perspective on recent events, and that the legal interpretations are mine alone, and based upon United Kingdom law. If you are in any doubt as to your position, please consult with a lawyer familiar with intellectual property laws in your juridistiction.
A small update has been posted to the Cylinder Generator.
(The whole download is 12kb, so I mean small!)
This tweaks the face generation to fix several cases where the face declaration was incorrectly reversed, and tidies up a couple of lines in the source code; Please mail me if you find any other bugs and they’ll be fixed.
v1.03 of the Platform Nameboard Generator has been posted.
This fixes a critical error on Windows XP & Windows Vista causing the program to generate out of memory errors.
Another day, another utility 🙂
This time, it’s a cylinder generator for OpenBVE. This will generate you a cylinder given the two central points and the radii.
Options are available to add custom normals, end caps, & to generate as either the internal faces or the external faces, as well as texture mapping etc.
Written in C#, and licence is again BSD-2 Clause, and source is available from my github:
[I was building […]
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So, another of the ‘withdrawn’ utilities was a Platform Nameboard generator.
Whilst I never personally used this particular addon, I’ve been busy creating a clone of this highly useful addon to make developer’s lives easier.
Version 1 is supplied with a complete set of BR Totems, and a generic white double-arrow nameboard.
Custom textures with a resolution of 512 x 128 pixels are supported via the ‘Choose Your Own Texture’ button.
The transparent color is set at pure blue (0,0,255)
Edit: Version […]
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With several new items added to the site recently, I’ve decided it’s time to write a short-ish piece about the history of this site, the Plymouth Route, and why things have gone the way they’ve gone!
As always, development is ongoing, and I’ll also try and explain some of the reasoning behind the current developmental direction.
So, readers of the BVE Worldwide & BVE Terminus forums will have seen this all before, but I’ve decided it’s good to post it on the blog too 🙂
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been doing a considerable amount of work on TrackGen, to implement Platform generation as a replacement for a utility that has recently been withdrawn from the community.
I’m pleased to announce that as of v1.3 Alpha 6, Platform generation is now included.
At present, no fences are generated, but otherwise any objects generated from […]
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